Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Final Exam

4. This is my transformative photo. My view of photography changed through this picture because it made me see how light affects the image. I got to learn how to use the light-box, and it made me see photography differently by how people set up objects for pictures.

5. Shapes are flat and are two dimensional in a picture, while form is three dimensional, which could show depth, height, length and width.


6. Pattern is repeating a symbol or an object. Repetition is makes the work seem like its active and allows the work of art to have unity.


7. Weebly About Page
    Inspiration About Page (the photo that he used really grabs someone's attention, almost making you read his information)

8. First Commercial Shoot
Presentation/Gallery Project
Final Project

I believe my best work was the final project. It is my best work because I used what I learned about light so I could take pictures of a dark aquarium. I also used Camera Raw to increase the exposure to make sure you can see the fish, but not making it to bright so people can still see the darkness of an aquarium.
This project changed me because I learned to get extremely close if I want to get a good photo, and I also know how to use a camera to get the pictures that I am satisfied with. (shutter speed, focus, depth of field, etc.)
I learned to see things differently by asking myself; how can I take the best picture in a certain situation and how will I make it better after I take a picture?. I can adjust the shutter speed, get closer to an object to get a better shot, and even think about what I need to edit to make the picture look even better on Camera Raw/Photoshop. I sort of set myself a list of things I need to look out for whenever I take a picture, and this method has definitely let me take better pictures.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Student Website Reviews

Period 1: Michael Shen's Website

His best photo is the second one that he took under the sky tab. The second one is the best because rainbow looks like it goes into the cloud.

Period 2: Hanson Wang's Website

His best photo is the first picture under the gallery tab. The first one is the best because the baseball has depth of field, and the focus on the baseball is really nice.

Period 3: Katherine Lin's Website

Her best photo is the second picture under the gallery tab. The second one is the best because the perspective on Lucas makes it seem like he is riding on a bike, when in reality he is on the ground holding up the bike.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Backdrop 4/29/15



Exposure: +.45
Contrast: +18
Highlights: +2
Shadows: +2
Whites: 0
Blacks: +39
Clarity: +30
Vibrance: 0
Saturation: 0

Poster Edit

Level 7